Thursday, September 23, 2010


A smile is a natural drug. There is no way you can smile on the outside without feeling good on the inside. You don't believe me give it a try.......mmmmmhhh see I told you so LoL.

Smiling also has a mental effect on the person smiling. If smiling does make you feel good think of what it does to someone else. Your smile alone can help a total stranger to get through a day so you never know what you do to others with your smile.

Now imagine a relationship without a smile in it..........uhuh you guessed right is like walking through a suicide hall,scary,gloomy and unpredictable. you have no idea is she's made at you, or she would be driving the kitchen knife down your throat the moment you turn your back on her. She is wondering what have I done to him today huh? why on earth is he frowning again. You both create suspicion between the two of you and you are always looking back trying to see if she going to hurt you or the other way round.

So lovers learn to smile with a smile I know you are happy to see me or you are just madly in love with me. Be positive oh no being positive is the same thing as smiling always. So lovers spice up your relationship with a smile.
Now that can't be so hard can it?

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