Friday, July 30, 2010

Dating Tips For Women - Important Points You Should Always Practice

Dating has a way of pushing anyone's stress levels to the limits. If you think about it, you are getting stressed for something that should be fun and romantic. However, no matter how we try to keep this in mind, once we start getting those nervous butterflies, everything just seems to go out of control.

You will find that by following a few basic rules, you will be able to have a higher success rate with men, whether it is your first date or your fiftieth date:

One of the first rules you should keep in mind is to never make a man have to work very hard in order to please you. The harder he has to work on a date, the more uncomfortable he will begin to feel, till finally he will just wish the date would be over with. While it is important to get to know your partner, keep in mind that by throwing in too many questions, your date will begin to feel like he is at a job interview.

While there is nothing wrong with being a self-assured woman, it is okay now and then to let the man have some control in any dating scenario. Many men like to feel in control because it gives them a feeling of being manly. It is this feeling that they want a woman to be impressed with. By taking away from them something as important as this, you are taking away something that is built deeply within their "manly being", or instinctive nature.

By showing a man that he has control over his domain, you are making him feel comfortable and proud that he is able to impress you and give you a good time. This can go a long way in any dating scenario.

Do not be afraid to pay your man a few compliments. This is something that he will greatly appreciate and will even work harder to make you feel good just because of the compliment you paid him. One way in which you can do this is by letting him know how good he looks in his suit, or that you like the style of his shoes and that they look good on him.

Some simple complements like this can be a powerful way to make a man want to continue dating you as he feels he does not have to work so hard to please you every time he goes out with you.

If you would know what the top   turnoffs for men are, please visit:

Article Source: [] Dating Tips For Women - Important Points You Should Always Practice

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